Dear Liz:
Let me see if I can clear up your confusion.  There are few conditions
(other than diabetes or a whopping gastric ulcer) in which ferrets would
suffer from prednisone - they are fairly resistant to its effects, and
that is why I recommended increasing the dose.  Lympho, adrenal tumor, or
even insulinoma - prednisone would not cause adverse effects in any of
these conditions.  So let's go back up on the dose.
Usually metastatic adrenal tumors occur in the right adrenal gland and over
time, grow to a size where they just invade right into the liver.  However,
you can have metastatic adrenal tumors aren't that big, in which some cells
get into the bloodstream and move to the liver.  If they survive, and set
up shop, and the atmosphere in the lvier is enjoyable for them, they can
grow very quickly.  Only the hardiest of tumor cells metastasize and
survive, and survival of the fittest also means that they are the toughest
ones around.  That is why metastatic disease is often so difficult to cure.
You are correct; Lupron would not hurt, either, but will not do anything to
shrink the tumor.  It may help in cases of prostate enlargement, however.
There is no need to defend your actions or your vets.  Your honesty in
opening up this situation to the FML is more than enough - very few people
would have been brave enough to do this.  Yes, a biopsy would have obviated
all of these questions, and perhaps, some guilt that you may be feeling
(unnecessarily).  A biopsy may cost $30-50 in the short term, but saves
money in the long term.  For example, if we decide to go with the Lupon -
that is generally $50-100 a shot, and we would be giving it in the off
chance that the tumor is adrenal in origin.  If not, then we have wasted
the money for the shot, the office visit, etc.
There is no need to apologize here for your actions in this matter - all
of us become emotional when our pet's health is at risk.  I am hopeful
however, that the FML can learn from this in that it is important to get
as much information on your ferrets diseases as possible.  Don't be afraid
to ask questions - and have your vet ask questions of the pathologist.
Knowing that your ferret has "cancer" is not enough these days - we want to
know exactly what type, and exactly what treatment options and prognosis
are available.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3297]