Well, we have finally managed to choose a winner for the Song portion of
the Ferret Poem Book contest.  Now, I can't sing very well, so if Kevin
Bonner and the Way Kewl Critter Crew could all please stand up and sing
"There's a Riot Going On"  I would be very appreciative ;-)  Perhaps a
music video might be appropriate also.  In return I have a painting (still
in progress) and a gift certificate waiting.
Once again, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Ferret
Poem Book And please don't stop writting stories, songs, and poems.  I
plan to keep doing this.  Expect the fourth edition sometime in December
To download your own copy, visit
(yes, BIG was correct.  I made a mistake before.  "httpd" is on a linux
installation I have where the "d" stands for directory.)
Dook long and prosper,
Bryan Coffey & The Literature Critical Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3297]