>From:    Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Tacoma Vet, Ferret Magazines, etc..
>On the whole "Ferrets Magazine put Modern Ferret out of pet stores"
>debate, it is really getting silly.  I have NOTHING against Mary and Eric
>BUT it is really silly to blame a competitor for this.  We live in a free
>market and that is what makes this country great.  Do we jump up and down
>when another hamburger joint goes under because McDonald's moved into the
Some of the great freedoms in this country are ours thanks to laws such
as the Sherman anti-trust laws.  We *DO* jump up and down and break up
monopolistic corporations that violate laws preventing anti competitive
If we were getting in a more educated president with a more enlightened
attorney general we could lobby to have the justice department look into
the wrongs that seem to definitely be done by Fancy Publications.
We live in a a democracy as promised by the constitution.  The Constitution
however makes no mention whatsoever of free markets.
>I have seen no proof of false advertising, public bashing or any other
>unfair business practice by Ferrets Magazine towards Modern Ferret.
Perhaps you should look again.  The contractual limitations forcing pet
stores to only carry publications from Fancy is very anti competitive and
very likely to be found illegal if the justice department were to bring
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: NPR and Sukie's comments
>Who are you, One Sock?  Do we old-timers know you by a different name?
Hotdish- and another...
[Moderator's note: Which other is that, please?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3296]