Just wanted to let everyone know that Clint had surgery Thursday afternoon
around 3pm.  Turned out it was a right adrenal (the right was definitely
larger and felt harder than the left), but he came through it well.  The
tissue has been sent out for pathology, so we'll hope for good results.
I was happy that my vet only charged me $250 for the surgery, even with
it being a right adrenal!  Money sure isn't growing on trees around here,
what with a husband in college and not working and me expecting our first
baby in June, so the bill was a nice surprise.
He got to come home yesterday around 7pm and has been doing pretty well.
He's eating a gruel of mashed kibble, turkey baby food, ferretone and
nutrical, thinned with water.  He doesn't seem to want to drink too much
water by itself, but eats the gruel from a spoon pretty good, so he is
getting some fluids that way.
He has used his litterbox well (and has been playing in it some out of
boredom, I think), although he's had pretty loose stools - a result of
the surgery I assume?  Some have been greenish and a little mucousy, but
he has had some more normal-looking stools.
He has been grinding his teeth after eating, more so this afternoon than
earlier.  I know that usually means nausea or stomach upset, doesn't it?
Do you think it's probably due to the stress of surgery and anesthetic, or
maybe the antibiotics?  He really hates his medicine - he's on amoxicillin
trihydrate/clavulanate potassium drops 3xs a day.  It must taste terrible
the way he acts!
He seems to be getting around pretty good for just being home 24 hours.
He's already tried to climb out of his cage while he's being fed, and has
rearranged his level of the cage a couple of times.  He's also strong
enought to really put up a fight when it's time for his meds.  He isn't
too interested in his buddies right now, but we let both of them see him
when we brought him home - Arnold the piggy was more interested in Clint's
food than in Clint.
Sorry this is so long, just wanted to let everyone know what's going on
and to thank everyone once again for all their support and advice.  We've
got a ways to go yet, but I am hopeful he'll make a quick recovery.  Any
suggestions on post-op care are welcomed-you can email me directly since
I'll be a bit busy playing ferret nurse for a while!
Thanks again!
Arnold, Clint and Sophie
[Posted in FML issue 3296]