It's been a rough couple weeks for us.  Earlier in the week we had a lesion
removed from Thorn's neck.  It's been sent for biopsy.  Wednesday we had to
take Timmy in for an exploratory.  He was showing signs of adrenal and we
sent blood off in November for testing.  The lab kept saying it wasn't done
yet and then blamed the holidays for their slowness.  We talked to the vet
earlier this week and she thinks they lost it and just don't have the
courtesy to admit it and refund their money (the vet has already credited
our account).  The poor little guy had his spleen removed (a long-standing
enlargement-it was 126g or almost 5 oz.) along with part of his pancreas,
part of his liver and his right adrenal which was huge.  The vet didn't
think he'd last the night, but we wanted him to have the comfort and care
of being home.  We fed and watered him every two hours and he was still
here Thursday for his follow up.  He was given sub-q fluids and the vet
still was not optimistic.  Last night was the same routine again and this
morning he didn't just hobble to the potty, he walked almost normally.
I will have to give him sub-q this morning and as often as he needs it
until he starts drinking adequately, but I thank God for the prayers of my
friends and for Timmy's gradual recovery.  Please keep him in your prayers
as he is not out of the woods yet.  Once again, kudos to Dr. Martin at
Capitol Area.  He did a great job and it is obvious he loves these little
guys.  The one tech told me he was rocking Timmy like a baby while his
recovery cage was being cleaned.
[Posted in FML issue 3296]