Hi- my name is Shari, I live in Pittsburgh, Pa, and have an 8 wk old baby
ferret named Chaos.  He's my first ferret, and I'm still learning a lot!  I
have tons of stuff to read- books, magazines, this list, and a local ferret
list that's really helpful.  I posted a couple of questions to my local
list and didn't get much response, so I thought I'd try here.
Yesterday I picked up a bag of 'PaPurr' litter at PetSmart.  It's recycled
paper, but it looks just like clay litter.  Does anyone know anything about
this product?  It sounded like a good solution to me until I opened it.
It's pretty dusty and it seems to be heavily perfumed.  It says on the
package that it's 100% recycled paper and 'deodorizing agents'.  It looked
interesting, but now I'm not so sure.  If this doesn't work out I'll just
use it for the cats.  It was pretty inexpensive- under $6 for a 20lb bag.
I did get an answer from one person on the local list & she said she had
tried it and didn't like it.
Also-I read all sorts of discussions about various brands of ferret foods.
He was getting Marshall when I got him, so I kept him on that.  i never
hear anyone mention that brand- is it as good as TF or any of the others?
I didn't think to compare price, so I don't know if that's a factor or not,
but my boyfriend's ferret, Loki, gets TF, and Chaos completely ignores it
when we visit there.
Ok, and one other question.  Last night while i was working on the
computer, he started chewing on a little stuffed toy.  It was one of his
first toys when we brought him home.  He ate some of his food, and started
working on this toy with purpose for 15 or 20 minutes.  I noticed he was
pretty quiet, and went to investigate- he got very possessive and sort of
growled and *hissed* at me when I tried to take it to look at it.  Not a
'play' hiss- this was a scary sound!  I scruffed him and got it away from
him for a minute.  I tried to distract him with something else, but he
wouldn't take his eyes off that toy, so after I examined it I gave it back
to him.  I figured he'd lose interest in it soon and I'd just 'retire' it.
It was soaking wet, and he had started to work a hole into one corner.
There's a bell or something inside, and although it feels like it's pretty
big, I still didn't want it to get that far.  Eventually I picked him up
and played with him till he fell asleep, then took the toy out of the cage.
Why is he suddenly so aggressivly possessive of this toy?  What is this all
about??  He is teething- (I guess- he's growing his adult canine teeth
in- it changes his whole 'smile'!)  do they get weird over toys when that
"what I am is what I am are you what you are or *what*?"
[Posted in FML issue 3295]