jen... opened up a can of worms!!...LOL... but...for MY 2 cents worth...
and i used to work at a pet store too...who only got their ferrets from
Marshall Farms... they ARE the best socialized kits i have ever seen...
a pet store is usually a person's first experience with ferrets...and it is
great that mf handles their kits in the manner they do...sure some seem to
come into the stores too young..but the majority of them are just right...
i ONCE got a ferret kit that was a Path Valley instead of a mf when the pet
store here switched breeders once...he was NOT as nice as my mf kits...and
it is b/c of him that i have 2 groups of ferrets now...he is not nice to
some of my others...[i have 17...not all pet store ferrets...i have gotten
some from shelters and some from ppl wanting to get rid of theirs and 3 i
am fostering for a friend temporarily...]
there are many "anti-Marshall Farm" people...but for MY 2 cents...they are
great ferrets!!!
KITY= .. =KAT... ( a.k.a. ...FuzzieMom ) and the krew of "14 plus 3"
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey(Shine), Meeja, Narmy, PopPye, Noodles,
Sandi-Mandi, Hope-HollyHeart, Edison!, Lucky, Princess Cissy, and Uh-Oh!!!!
with Jack, Sassy, and Angel...staying for a while..:)
And holding "Bear" and "Geezer" close in my Heart...
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, OldGuy, and the
biggest piece of my heart, Charlie!
The Ferrets' Pages...
[Posted in FML issue 3295]