Went to TSC this evening to pick up a few bags of wood stove pellets.
Cashier has two ferrets and is leaving I guess Tuesday for the Army, Navy,
or Marines.  I can't remember which.
Anyway he has two female ferrets that are about two and a half years old.
He has had them about a year.  He seems to love them to death, but can't
keep them once he leaves.  He says they are very friendly.  He has them in
separate cages at this time because he came home last night and found one
of the ferrets face down in the litter box.  She won't eat anything.  She
barely moves.  He uses regular ferret litter and has never even heard of
giving them hairball so obviously they never got any of that.  I am not
sure what he has been feeding them because I forgot to ask, but he assured
me he hasn't switched foods on them.  He says she drinks, but is down to
only bones.  He thinks she is near death.  His fianci has agreed to keep
them a day or two past Tuesday, but that is about it.  He gave me
permission to post his phone number, name, and situation.  I can only pray
that someone jumps in to help these two little ferrets.  I do not have the
means, time, or room to take any ferrets in.  I only hope someone has the
extra heart to take in these two.  He didn't say what he would do with them
if he got stuck with them past Tuesday, but I assume from our conversation
that they would go to the local dog pound to be put down.  His name is Mark
and her name is Shannon.  They live in Urbana, Ohio and their phone number
is (937) 652-4889.  If someone reads this and takes in these ferrets please
post on the FML so that everyone including myself will know and can sleep
[Posted in FML issue 3295]