All of this stealing stuff is great fun!
I had to write in because my boys have a hidey hole within a hidey hole.
They have both stolen my slippers.  Each keeps one for them self, dragging
them off to their perspective spots-Squeek under the bed and Raider under
the dresser.  Upon my spying on them, I found both boys putting food, balls
and what ever else would fit, into my slippers!  Needless to say I don't
wear them anymore (not that I would be allowed!)
They also eat in my slippers, so both are rather slimy now.  And Squeek
sits in the slipper with his butt hanging out, chewing on his ball inside
the slipper.  I've found him numerous times under the bed with only his
fuzzy bottom showing while scooting around under the bed inside the
slipper.  He's my headless slipper monster!
On a sappy, warm and fuzzy note, I found Raider the other night (after 5
minutes of panicked looking) asleep in my bed, under the covers curled up
in a little ball upside down.  I was soooo excited, he always goes to bed
in his cage.  I ran down the hall and dragged poor Tom in to observe.  No
film in the camera of course!
Just shows how little it takes for these little guys to make my day!=20
Wishes to All!
Kelly, Tom,
Raider & SqueekI
[Posted in FML issue 3294]