I wrote this last night after reading Jackie's post re: thanking Sandy for
news from the Bridge, and bringing comfort to mourning mommies and daddies.
It is also for those people who still think that if they can't see it, it
must not be true..
                            LITTLE ONE     by liz Blackburn
Little one, little one,
where have you gone?
                               ..."to live in the meadow
                                where summers are long"...
Little one, little one,
where do you sleep?
                                "beside the still waters,
                                where God's love runs deep"...
Little one, little one
what do you dream?
                                "of licorice, and laughter,
                                 and saucers of cream"...
Little one, little one,
what do you see?
                               "the prettiest rainbow
                                 that ever could be!"
Littel one, little one,
what does it mean?
                             ''that all that is true
                             doesn't have to be seen!"
[Posted in FML issue 3294]