There use to be an ortiment called Whitmans ointment but they no loner make
it.  It would cure ringworm in humans and animals in less then 3 days.  The
following is perfect for ringworm and athl. feet.  This is how my husband
mixes it.
Go out to the store and get a tube of antibotic ortiment, some times it is
called triple antibotic ointment.(I buy many of my supplies at the Dollar
General or Family Dollar stores)  Get a bottle of asprins (the kind that
are not coated, just plain round asprins).  Have tiny contain ready to put
the mix in once you have got it mixed properly, some use a little 35 mm
plastic film container...any container will work that is plastic and has
a tight lid.
OK, get a small mixing bowl.  Put about 8 asprins in the bowl, and 1 tiny
drop of water on each asprin to get them to crush easy.  OK, then crush the
asprins real well.  Next squeeze about 3 inches of triple antibotic oriment
with the asprin and mix for about 5 minutes.  You may need to add a little
more antibotic ointment or you may need to add a little already crushed
asprin to make it just right.  Use good old common scense.  What you want
is the right const.  in order to apply to you skin, it should rub in very
easy and not flake off, and it is easy to get it perfect.  On animals just
clear the fur away from the spot, you may need to trim the fur some and on
humans...well I hope there is not fur to trim :) just apply a small amount
the the spot (s) about 3 or 4 times a day and bingo it will heal.  Now for
those who think if the pet licks it off they will go on to Rainbow
Bridge... don't worry that tiny amount of asprin WILL not harm them.  Put
the unused ointment in a contain sealed tight...and remember this is also
perfect for athl.  feet.  You may or may not want to mention this to your
vet or human doctor, they may think you have losted your mind.....rescued
a cat 12 years ago...he had ring worm big time and gave it to my stepson.
We applied the ointment, NEVER had to wash a bedsheet or shampoo the carpet
at all, what does this tell you?  Cat and kid was cured within 3 days!
Preachers daughter has a spot the size of a tennisball on her
embarrsing for her that is for sure, she was cured with in 3 days :-)
They had no money to give a doctor, someone had to help them.
Debbie Scott
[Posted in FML issue 3294]