>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: I have few questions to ask.
>One of my ferrets, is always scratching and biting himself.  He has NO
>fleas, never been outside the house and I believe he has a very sensitive
>skin.  I give him ferretone.  I tried to bathe him with ferret shampoo
>that has Aloe Vera.  It didn't help.  I thought maybe is the soap I use
>to wash their things.  I use plain TIDE no bleach or the fragrance.
Hi Buffie,
I can tell you from personal experience that some people are _very_
allergic to Tide-- it makes me break out in hives.  I find Arm and Hammer
brand is pretty neutral; Cheer is ok too.  Bathing the ferret can make him
itch more, as the bath dries out ferrety skin, even if the shampoo has
One other thing-- you didn't mention how old your ferret is, but extreme
itchiness can be a sign of adrenal disease.  I'd take him to the vet to
get to the cause of this itchiness.
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
...shadow, you're just a gallow that I hang my body from...
[Posted in FML issue 3294]