Steve said that Scooter baby-cried all the way to the vet this morning.
We are feeling very guilty, but we have to try to find out what is wrong
with his liver.  Poor little guy is just going to be 4 years old in a few
weeks.  He's never been a robust individual health-wise but we keep hoping.
Neither of us is sleeping well for now.
Know more now, and adding after finishing rest of letter: Scooter is having
surgery tomorrow (Thursday).  They can't tell for sure what is going on
without a biopsy; could be infection due to one of those viruses, but might
not be.  Might be lympho.  Lympho comes in clusters though most don't get
it and a predisposing virus has long been suspected.  It's likely what
killed Meeteetse last year, though not enough spinal cord went in with her.
Might be that something came in with Seven or Gluey at some point.  This
is hard.  Toots isn't even 4 years old, yet.  At least he's the right age
for chemo to have it's best shot, if if needed.
Mike wrote:
>Personally, if my ferrets didn't already have ECE, I wouldn't even go near
>baby ferrets in the pet store... as hard as that may be.
Yep, and when it came here we stayed away from any ferrets besides our own
for a about a year afterward to avoid passing it on.
Hey, Bill, you had an opps! ;-) [Sorry, I misunderstood your forward. BIG]
My first paragraph of the post that was to run only if the poster left
in the false accusation saying that I disagreed due to past personal
differences rather than due to content.  My lost paragraph reads:
"This entire note is for running on list only if One Sock leaves in that
accusation about me which appeared in the original letter.  No, I never
noticed who made the earlier comments and then did not recognize the One
Sock name when I was made aware of the accusation.  Pretty danged hard
for it to be personal when you don't even know who the person is!"
Kind of loses the reality that I actually didn't realize who the poster
is/was when replying without that paragraph!  It's also why I asked who
the poster was.
Anyway, I have heard from an assortment of people since that the poster
who thinks she/he is my nemesis or something similar was/is several others,
past and present, and I did have a strong disagreement with one of the old
address names mentioned; one of maybe three people I've had true problems
with over the entire life of the FML.  Oh, well, I simply do NOT know who
it was/is for sure, by however many names, since I live in only my own
shoes, and, frankly, I let most things slide off my back, anyway.  Life's
too busy for making it harder than it is by itself.  Makes more sense to
concentrate on friends, people we can help, and people who teach us.
Easier to just forget those who have personally rankled and certainly
achievable, so I tend to do just that.  Besides, the letter writers could
be wrong about any number of things including the list of poster identities
(D1, D2, D3...Dn), though I do appreciate being informed since it confused
me not knowing who it may be, given what was said, and one of the
alternative names makes sense.
Plenty of room in this world for variations in perceptions and tastes,
but never enough time for the good things -- so it just makes sense to be
constructive instead of wasting precious minutes getting peeved about
something old or thinking that it affects all.  As you all have surmised
from this: I figure the subject is closed unless people want to post other
impressions on the original topic of the interview style rather than on a
non-existent fight.  We both stated our takes on it for whatever bit that
is worth or not.  Case closed, please?
Lynda wrote:
>Oh no, I can feel it coming!  Creaky brain cells are trying to retaliate!
>Georgia and Lynn in an all out war with Wolfy and Larry taking sniper pot
>shots and keeping their heads down.  This place is going to be a smokin'
LOL!  Warning, Will Robinson!  Warning!  Warning!  Word is that Kouri
is building a catapult and has found Georgia's Depends garbage!
Thanks for the grins; some days those are such extra special gifts!
[Posted in FML issue 3294]