I gave Drag lots of kisses when i saw him yesterday, he sends his hugs and
dooks to all of you on the FML.  he looks good and Dr. K said he should be
able to come home on Monday, yeeeeehaaaaaaa!!!!!!  My baby gets to come
Now for some bad news and serious help is needed.  I know that is is not
nearly by far as the situation in NJ with all those fuzzies that got
rescued, but I got a call today from a woman that had to surrender her 4
ferrets.  The reason is her husband thinks that the ferrets have cause
health problems in their new baby and their toddler.  all the drs said this
is not true but he won't listen to them.  He left his wife with 2 children
and said I won't come home til they are gone.  Now before you jump on this
woman, she and her son were very heartbroken and crying .  she can not take
care of the children as a single paren and i do understand this.  I blame
her ignorant hubby to make her choose him over her ferrets that she has had
since kits, they are 4 and 5 yrs old.
Now one of the girls needs adrenal surgery asap and has a tumor on the end
of her tail that has to be removed, the other girl is showing signs of
early adrenal also.  both the boys also need adrenal surgery.
I am asking for help here, I have one already in the vets for adrenal sx
and 2 more waiting for their surgery.  the cost of Drags vets bills are
bad enough, even though my vet did so much for free for him.
If anyone can spare a few dollars to send to SOS to help with the vets
bills I really need it, I hate to ask but I'm strugling to keep my
utilities on this month and trying to keep my car from being repossed and
not get evicted.  a few dollars here and there would really help, I
understand that many have given to the plight of the NJ ferrets but if
there is any change left in your pockets please try to help out these 4
very sweet ferrets.
Her hubby wouln't let her even bring them to the vet, but I can tell you
they were very loved and cared for the best that she could have done due
to the circumstanses.
again thank you to all who have already helped the shelter in the last
year, sadly most but a few donations came from outside Las Vegas.  So Vegas
people come on and try to help out, i will try to place them in a loving
home together if I can after they are better.  They are very bonded to each
other and really don't know if they would do good if I tried to seperate
them.  If not they will just have to put up with their second mommy, me!!
dooks to all,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
P.S. I have another ferret comming in tonight and I pray that she is
[Posted in FML issue 3294]