Wow I have been reading the posts about what ferrets steal and laughing
cause I have seen it done!  Let me tell you about mine .  I have Tyler and
Tangles, 7 months old, and they have stolen some doozys.
The latest two have been Jeff s boots and a DogZ CD for the computer.  It s
quite funny.  Because of the snow we have had, Jeff s boots are out of the
closet.  And without fail Tyler tries to drag his boot to the hidey-hole.
No matter where we happen to put his boots!  We can put the boots out of
reach and he will get the boots and then proceed to drag them to the
hidey-hole.  Of course the boots do not fit but hence he still tries!
Then there is the CD. Jeff has his computer CD s in holder that sits on
the floor.  Well, they hadn t been bothering them till I guess one of them
discovered that one of the CD s doesn t fit right and can be easily pulled
out!  So there it goes under the bed with the other treasures!  Which
include, Jeff s old cassettes, raisins, ferret cookies, ferret ball,
stuffed toy, my slippers, the tie to my robe, and anything else they can
stash there before Mommy has a look and steals it all back!
And let s not forget the game of how much stuff can we steal out of Jeff s
work bag (even if it s zipped closed) before he notices!  Their favorite
is the certs or tic-tacs he keeps in there!  Has anyone heard of ferrets
stealing tic-tac boxes?  LOL!  I could go on and on about the things they
steal!  I am sure all of you know.
I hope everyone has fun with his or her little thieves!  I think I have
more fun taking pictures of their latest stolen item being dragged across
the floor than anything!
Tyler, the bully and boot thief
Tangles, the mama s girl and raisin thief
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"Trying to explain ferret math to a non-ferret owner
 is like trying to explain physics to a 3 year old."
[Posted in FML issue 3293]