Hello everyone --
I am sorry not to have been around for a while; after the move to Kansas
City, Very Bad Things happened to my computer and it took a while to get
everything fixed.
I would like to offer up an adrenal treatment that is working very well
for my 2 ferrets, Mishka and Buttons.  By way of background, Buttons had
adrenal surgery last January, and the vet did not think he could remove
the affected (right) gland, and so left it in.  Mishka, despite having
his adrenals checked in July during his spleen surgery, began exhibiting
symptoms (all-over hair loss and agressiveness) in September.  Buttons
was on Lupron over the summer, but she was very unhappy, judging from her
behavior -- she would frequently drop to the ground during playtime and
hiss, and sort of lunge her head at the other ferrets when they approached
her to continue playing.  She also played much less frequently than before,
and for a shorter duration.
As both ferrets have recently had surgery, I was *not* interested in
putting them through that again.  Buttons, in particular, is an extremely
bad patient!  So I asked my new vet, Dr. Koller, if she knew of anything
for Buttons and we tried Anastazole.  It is an oral suspension, and I give
Buttons .4 ml and Mishka .6 ml every day for 7 days and then they get 7
days off.  Buttons is actually supposed to get more than that, but I can't
get any more than that amount into her, because she HATES taking it (even
though i know she likes the taste).
After 4 months, Buttons is doing well; she still has 3/4 of her fur, she
plays almost as much as ever, the vulvar swelling is down, and she doesn't
have any more vaginal infections.  After 6 weeks, Mishka's fur has started
to come back, and he has stopped the agressive behavior with both girls.
I am very, very pleased.  The cost is *about* $15/month per ferret.
I just want to make it clear that I am NOT doing this because I don't want
to spend the money on surgery.  I just don't think that surgery is an
appropriate option for Buttons, given her personality and the location of
the affected gland (right).  I also don't want Miskha opened up again so
soon after his last surgery -- it has barely been 6 months.  I would spend
any amount of money to ensure their happiness.  I think this is the best
option for my kids, and I would encourage those of you with ferrets who
have had one adrenal removed to think of using this medicine as an
alternative to a surgery they may not live through.  I am sure Lupron is
great for a lot of ferrets, but this medicine, I believe, also has some
affect on the tumor itself.  Anyway, ask your vet or email me and I will
try to get you more info if interested.
Best Wishes
[Posted in FML issue 3293]