Hi all!  Sorry I haven't posted in awhile to update you on the little
fuzzballs.  Thanks to all of you who kept Smokey in your thoughts and
prayers.  She had her adrenal surgery on Friday and the vet said she came
through it with flying colors.  Bandit insisted on going with us for
visiting hours on Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday was kind of tough
because she was very tired from the meds, but yesterday she was much more
energetic.  I wanted to thieve her and sneak her back home, but alas and
alak, I have to wait until after work today.  She is coming home!  Any
advice on the best way to care for her until she is healed would be
They also asked me to answer the running post on what ferrets steal, or in
their case, borrow, since they insist they always *meant* to return them,
they just never got around to it.  Smokey likes to steal the little balls
off the back of pom pom socks, usually as I am walking in them.  She also
likes to assist me in putting on my makeup by borrow my lipstick or mascara
at every possible turn.  Bandit is a big fan of socks, and he once dragged
a pool stick all the way down the stairs.  Now *that* was a sight!
Hugs to all the fuzzies!
Christine and the fuzzy angels, Smokey and Bandit
[Posted in FML issue 3292]