Illura has always had a shoe fetish, mainly birkenstock-type sandals but
i've seen her make off with the occasional steel-toed boot!  She has a
pretty big stash of tampons, and once she tried to make off with my entire
book-filled backpack (notice I say "tried"!) Lola, since I've had her,
has had a weird thing about pop cans.  In my old apartment, as soon as I
brought her home she decided that EVERY pop can in the kitchen (which was
a few dozen) NEEDED to be in my room, either behind the door or in the
closet.  It took her a few days, but she succeeded in her project!  Illura
has also tried to stash me, while we're playing she'll take my finger and
try and hide me behind the bed!
Rachel and the furriti
[Posted in FML issue 3292]