Hi Everyone, on BIGS okay the author of that book I mentioned in
yesterday's post is Dr. Ann Squire, formally Vice President for Education
for the ASPCA.
A while back I had posted that Stuart Little the field mouse had moved into
the house.  (no I did not get him through adoption).  As he was a single
mouse and somewhat amusing, I made the mistake of letting him stay.  Well
either Stuart was a Stuartess, or he invited in a female friend to share
living quarters.  As one might imagine things began to get out of control.
I am not one to kill mice so I bought some live traps and come up with some
inventive ways to catch them and set them free.
Here's where the ferrets come in.  These mice have gotten so braisen that
I actually have gone into the ferrets room and found them enjoying an al
fresco lunch out of the ferrets food dish inside their cage.  The ferrets
of course are in deep sleep mode and have no knowledge of this.  As I have
shown my furries self roaming food before and they showed no interest I
wondered what they would think of the mice.  I had no idea what was about
to occur.  I let them out of their cage thinking they wouldn't even notice
said mouse and to my surprise and shock they not only noticed but my little
busy Q girl went ballistic.  She chased one under the cage and came out the
other side with it in her mouth.  Of course I stood their in complete shock
and let out a scream and for some reason she dropped it and it took off
I know this is a natural and healthy food source for ferrets but I felt bad
like I set the mouse up for this.  The ferrets are more than invited to do
this on their own if they so desire, but I would like not to be in the room
if they do.  I did praise Q for a job well done though as this is a natural
thing for them to do.
So what do some of you think?  Morally I felt bad for the mouse, but
realistically the ferrets were doing what comes naturally.
Kathy and the Ferret Collective
[Posted in FML issue 3292]