Hello FML,
I am working on a video at my local television station about ferret care.
I am looking for a few different pictures of how people have their ferret's
cages set up.  I want to show how a cage should be set up and also want to
show the dangers such as ramps, water bottle not high enough or too high,
etc.  Also, for those of you who have ramps...let me know what works best
to cover them (I was recently at a friends house who has has two ferrets
in a 3-story cage with wire ramps and nothing that covered the ramps...
poor things!  I told her that covering with carpet, etc.  would be easier
for them to climb up & down without hurting their paws and less likely to
rip a toenail out.) I would like to mention what types of safe, non-toxic
cleaners you use to clean the cages.  I would like to show what types of
food bowls, etc.  work the best for people, and of course...how to keep
those litter pans in place for those fuzzies who feel the need to
redecorate their cages. ;-)  I have a picture of my cage I will put into
the video, but I would like a few different ones to show.
If you have any suggestions on anything else, please do contact me.  I
will be covering a bunch of different topics from everything to health,
ferret-proofing, diet, basic care, etc.  but I have to start with one thing
at a time.  If anyone would care to share their pictures with me, feel free
to e-mail me at [log in to unmask] and I will put you in my credits if you
wish.  By the way...this video will not generate any revenue for me...I
am doing it for our local community access channel which will air to the
public.  Thanks guys! :-)
Warm *fuzzy* love!
Tracy J.
[Posted in FML issue 3292]