mommie always sayz it's hard to loose someone you love, no matter how long
they have graced your life with their presence.  In our case tonight,
Sunday Jan. 7 2001, Saigon was with us for almost 6 years.
For the last month, Saigon has been back and forth to our vets.  no one
could tell what was wrong with him except he had a very high total protein
Tonight, I didn't hear him screaming, but i saw mommie's face as she rushed
through the living room to his cage where he lay listless, screaming and
bottle brushed tail.  I didn't hear the cries from mom, but i could see
the grief in her face as she collapsed to the floor, Saigon in her arms.
Auntie Carla came in soon after and took Saigon from mom's arms while
mommie tried to compose herself and put on her coat.
the whole drive to the emergency clinic, mommie held Saigon and whispered
into his deaf ears.  Saigon screamed the whole way there as auntie Carla
rushed through red lights and got them safely to the clinic.  by the grief
stricken and exhausted look on mommie's face when she got home, i knew it
wasn't an easy night.  Saigon was helped over the Rainbow Bridge, laying
in mommie's arms.  There was nothing that could be done for him, he was
suffering terribly.
The doctor did a post and found one enlarged lymph gland and a strange
colored pancreas.
Saigon is now across the Bridge with his sisters Akasha & Isis.  Good
night my dear sweet gentle giant.  mommie will miss you terribly.  you
will always be a part of her heart forever.....
Harley "Bug" (with auntie Ag's help)
The Ferret Aid Society
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[Posted in FML issue 3291]