Dear Shen:
>A few days after that she got the gross green diarrhea, which has now been
>going on for 2-3 days.  However, she remains bright-eyed and reasonably
>Neither one will touch kibble.  Both drink water on their own.  They will
>both eat very small amounts of Bob's chicken gravy 2 or 3 times a day.
>They will eat the gravy mixed up to almost half with chicken baby food,
>but any greater proportion of babyfood and they refuse it utterly.
That's all good - WE DON"T WANT THEM TO EAT KIBBLE RIGHT NOW!  Coronavirus
infection wipes out 90% of the lining of te gut, and most of the local
digestive enzyme-producing cells and a whole olot of the surface area.
Kibble would be very difficult to digest at this point, and would just
worsen the diarrhea.  Stick with the babyfood and gravy for 30 days after
the initial signs - just as much as they will eat (that'll keep their
weight up), and after 30 days, you can re-introduce the kibble, preferably
ground up and mixed in their gravy-babyfood mix to start.
>finally, carafate.  the emergency vet gave us a liquid for Ramone, which
>is easy to get into them.  My regular vet gave us a powder - I think it's
>crushed pills actually - saying to give a pinch 3x/day.
Unless they are showing signs of gastric ulcers - you don;'t need to be
giving it.  Generally we discontinue antibiotics after a week - and if
they are eating well and energetic, we can discontinue all the meds.  But
keep that blind diet up, make sure they get plenty of water, and if you see
any regression in progress, then we can re-institute the meds as needed.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3291]