Hi, First I would like to say I truly appreciate the FML.  When the FML
first came out a friend that works a U.K. in Lexington would print it out
and mail me the list monthly and boy was that a blessing!!  Now we have a
computer and I read the list faithfully, sure is more interesting then the
daily newpaper :)
My choice of flea control is advantage for dogs, the drops of course.  I
use about 1/2 cc for a full grown ferret.  Never had a problem with it
and waited years to try it, finally did last year and wish I had done so
My 21 ferrets..  favorite food...The ferretstore's food called Superior
Well we wish you all a very Happy and Safe New Year!!
Debbie in Southern Ohio
do your ferret a favor and let them experience some snow....take them for a
walk and you will find that most ferrets just love the snow and outdoors!!
Mine, fuzz their tails, do a dance and then run back to my arms with a
smile on their face!!
[Posted in FML issue 3284]