My e-mail server was down for a few days.  I missed the FML so much!
Is there a contact number for Ferrets Across America to be on a list as a
helper, or is the whole project on hold?
My ferrets come running to a squeeker, but I don't think they like it.
Two act curious and Mikette goes crazy.  When my brother squeeked it she
tried to drag Baby out of the room away from the noise.  Now she bites
whoever makes it squeek (only my mean brother when he visits (-: ) and
if she can't get to the person she gets rough and bites her other fuzz
sister Jill.
Hee hee......
I had company the other evening and left some munchies partially unattended
on the coffee table.  At one point in the evening (during a subtle round of
poop patrol) I noticed a little brown poop under the stereo cabinet (how
embarressing!) as I bent to pick it up I noticed a huge pile on the bottom
of my CD holder (how mortifying!).  I quickly grabbed a napkin and went in
to clean up the horrifying pile when I realized it was a brownie!  Hee hee!
Whoever managed to steal it apparently doesn't like my baking! (-:
[Posted in FML issue 3290]