Dear fml,
Baby is home, the lump has been replaced by a long nasty looking incision.
I cannot believe how tough this little guy is.  When we picked him up, he
was groggy, but curious, he was able to greet us with kisses, and still
wanted to groom us.  He slept in our bed the first night, and graduated
to the floor last night (his choice).  He is making bowel movements, and
eating, and acting pretty normal.
The vet removed a tumor about an inch an a half long, and an inch wide, it
was close to a half an inch thick, it was shaped like an hourglass, it is
being sent in for a biopsy, and the results should be back in about a week.
The scarey thing is that this ferret is only about six months old.  We love
him very much, and hope that the tumor is benign.
[Posted in FML issue 3289]