Forgive me for this tasteless question.  This is why I'm posting
anonymously, because I'm embarrassed at how tasteless this is.  On with
the question... Why do ferrets tails poof up when they are euthanized?
I only ask because I had to put a darling fuzzy to sleep.  I have been able
to come to terms with his death and that I was saving him an agonizing
death.  I felt the death was peaceful, however I've been concerned about
the poofed tail.  Is it just a neurological reaction or does something
cause it prior to the passing (pain?  fear?)
Again, I've had this question on my mind for months but felt it to
sensitive of a topic to ever ask.
Also I'm very sorry to everyone who has ever had to experience this, or
any other death for that matter.
[Posted in FML issue 3288]