Tailess Sherman has discovered the game of putting one of my slipper socks
on his head and running around blindly looking like a white elephant seal
head on a little bear cub body.
Here we were thinking that he was already a cross since (missing a tail) he
often jumps rather like a deer instead of like a ferret, runs like a bear,
and leads with his upper body for running to rolling like a human child
does, and yet all the rest is still completely ferret -- except now
sometimes his head.
Today he decided that he would be brave with Warp.  She was in a sweater
trying to sleep and he would stick in his head and advance till she hissed.
Then he would mumble at her and back up but not leave completely, and then
try, try again, over and over again for maybe 20 minutes.
[Posted in FML issue 3288]