has become the Hearts in Need!  It was a great success, as 3 dogs were
adopted, 3 pups, and several others received donations!!!  It was so great,
I decided to keep it running all year long.The page itself will change
with the season/holiday, but there will always be animals there in need
of homes or sponsors.  Take a peek, stop by!  It has now been opened up to
all animals, not just dogs.So if you are a rescuer, or foster parent for
rescue, email me with the details of up to 2 critters in your program,name,
brief story(less than 50 words each please) and a note of what they
like/need, and a pic if available.We will need you contact info, email
and/or snail address where you want a donation sent.I expect weekly updates
on each critter,due by every Saturday night at midnight est. or it will be
removed from the page.Sundays is when I will be working on it mostly.
New animals may be emailed to me any time and I will be sure to squeeze
them in.
Email me for more info at [log in to unmask] OR
[log in to unmask]
Kim Wolf, Mystyx Samoyeds,MFX Ferrets, and Ferret Rescue.Member Critter
Haven East Region.Visit our Websites:www.petfinder.org
Kim Wolf,Mystyx Samoyeds, Ferrets,& Ferret Rescue.  Galloway, Ohio
Our Website: www.geocities.com/mystyx_samoyedsnferrets
Rescue site www.geocities.com/mystyxrescue
[Posted in FML issue 3288]