--- Lise O'Brien <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I am hoping to obtain some feedback or advice about
>what to do with our ferrets....
>I had five (Domi, Nonnie, Staci, Dante and Cooper) until a month ago.  I
>had seven until last April.  Their ages range from 3-5-3/4 yrs.  Mine
>never had a problem accepting others....well, except Domi, but that's bc
>she is a crotchedy old lady, lol.  Anyway, a month ago, I adopted a four
>month old named Zeus.
>Zeus belonged to a couple who let him free roam (ours now free roam most
>of the day in their large ferret room: a finished, walk up attack).  He
>was the only ferret for those four months.
Now this is where it gets a bit confusing as there is almost three groups
of ferrets being brought together: Nala and Simba; Zeus; Domi, Nonnie,
Stacia, Dante and Cooper.
Nala and Simba had been living in the house a month or two before I brought
in my five.  They (esp.  Simba) were not keen on having another group of
ferrets.  Nala finally made friends with Stacia (to an extent;they don't
play together, but they will lick each other on occasion), but it took a
few weeks.  Simba tried to install himself as alpha ferret.  I do not have
an alpha in my group.  My guys were not thrilled with having an aggressive
ferret in their midst.  To this day they will not play with Simba (more on
this later).
About a week after I brought my guys over, I acquired Zeus.  He is such a
sweetie.  Definitely a ferret who loves humans. :)
Since he was alone for quite awhile, he was skiddish among other ferrets.
I thought this would pass.  Nope, things were complicated when Simba was
in the midst of his "I'm the king of the house" attitude.  Zeus wouldn't
back down.  To this day, they really don't play.  They mostly fight or run
from one another even though Simba has shown signs of a treus.  Simba will
chorttle while scratching the floor or chorttle and turn his back to Zeus.
Zeus will either bark at Simba or go after him on attack mode.
1) is there any hope Simba and Zeus can call a trues?
2) Is there any hope Simba and my older crew will become friends?  (Simba
seems to try and play with my guys, but his form of playing resembles
aggressiveness even though his intention is to play and not be aggressive)
3) Zeus has really opened up with my guys.  He loves to play with them (he
even got cranky Domi to play with him), but when it comes to sleeping, he
is a loaner.  Why is that?
4) Nala will not come out and play while my guys are out.  She will sleep
until they return to their cage.  My roommate has said Nala tries to play
with my guys, but my observation is different.
In a nutshell, could anyone please explain to me what is going on and is
there anything I can do to help them bond?  Is there any hope?  I am sad
and frustrated; my roommate is hurt because she feels her crew is being
left out (note: my five were at my house where my friend has six bc I was
housesitting...they alll seeemed to get along except Domi as she is old
and cranky).
Thank you in advance for your words of wisdom.
[Posted in FML issue 3287]