Greetings Everyone,
First off I wish all a happy new year!!  Prayers and tears to those who
need it.  I wanted to share a so far great story.  I took in a couple of
ferts about 3 years ago .  The owner didn't have time anymore.Hobbes was
one of these ferts, he came to me not eating too well, as well as a few
other things.  He went to work with me,(vet tech) where we had some blood
work done.  His glucose was very low.  Well amost three years later Hobbes
is still a young kit to me, he does have some tough days but right now they
are few.  Hobbes loves to beat up the younger ones.  He takes his pred
twice aday with no questions asked.  I believe he knows I'm helping him
stay here with me.He has had no surgery.  We believe him to be about 7+
years old.  I truely enjoy his company knowing someday he will leave me ,
but for know every day is a good one .
Please remember an illness is not always a dealth sentence, I believe
Hobbes has taught me that.
And missing Zac and Teddy
[Posted in FML issue 3287]