hi everyone;
I'm mostly a lurker, so you probably haven't seen me around in a while,
but I enjoy reading everyone's posts when I have the time! :)  I have four
fuzzbutts of my own...and I have a question regarding feline diseases in
them.  We have four healthy kitties too...somewhat recently, my brother
brought home a stray kitten, Moses.  Moses has tested positive for both
feline leukemia and FIP, both terminal diseases, and as we understand it,
contagious among cats.  He is about five months old now and as of yet is
doing OK, growing, eating fine, playing, normal kitten behavior.  But we
have to keep him severely quarantined because we dont want the other
kitties to catch his diseases, and he is very lonely.  So my question is,
can ferrets catch feline leukemia and/or FIP, and would it be safe to let
them play with him?  He would just love to play with them, I know, and
they'd give him a run for his money, but I don't want to get my babies
sick.  thanks in advance for the answer!
"Dance like nobody's watching, and love like it's never going to hurt."
Emania Earthdragon
moving at the speed of dark since 1978
AOL IM name: EmaniaE
[Posted in FML issue 3287]