Dooks to you all,
My girl Cinnamon has started to use the second floor as her personal
bathroom.  This just started recently and up until now she was using the
litter box just fine.  Where she goes to the bathroom now, I put a litter
box but she still won't go in it.  I use the wood stove pellets so I don't
think it's the litter that is the problem.  Does anyone have any tips?  She
is still a kit (3 months) and I reward her if she DOES use the litter box
(which is very infrequent nowadays) and I wake her up every 3 hours to use
it but still no success.  If anyone can help me I would appreciate it so
much!  Also, I know there is are two products out there: One that deters
cats/dogs from going to the bathroom in a certain spot and another, which
is the opposite and you spray it so that they DO go in a certain spot.  If
anyone has used a product similar to these and it worked, PLEASE tell me
the name of it.
Another question...  I have been feeding my ferrets the Kaytee regular
ferret food and then I received two bags of the Eukanuba Chicken and Rice
kitten food from the pet store I work at.  The thing is, they ADORE this
new food and I would love to keep on getting it for them but nutritionally,
does it meet the requirements?  And what types of fruits/vegetables can
ferrets have?  I have heard grapes, bananas and that's it.  I like giving a
variety of food to my ferts so please tell me what yours like!  This has
been bugging me and I just need a straight answer: Can ferrets have small
amounts of peanut butter?
I would love for anybody who can answer ANY of my questions to write to me.
[Posted in FML issue 3314]