Hi All the Fuzzy Lovers!
I just love getting this list! I'm really learning a lot!
Christy, Cgatto, I have 9 fuzzies and one "Dumb Dog" ( we call her that cuz
she thinks shes a ferret, well maybe shes the smart one and we're dumb!)
We got Cocoa when she was 6 weeks old in front of a grocery store.  Shes
a golden retriever and lab mix.  ( owners were overloaded w/ puppies, and
being the animal lover that I am, I couldn't resist!) She was small and
covered w/ fleas and ticks,and hadn't had any shots or even been to a vet.
We got our lil Mittens about 1 week before Cocoa, so they are about the
same age.  They love to play together.  Cocoa rolls onto her back and
Mittens attacks her nose and doggie lips.  We even took them to the same
vet, they have been best friends since we introduced them.  ( I have
pictures showing them playing, too cute!) They are both about 1 1/2 yrs
now.  We got caught in the ferret math thing and added 3 more ferrets to
the mix when Coca and Mittens were about 8 months old, I was a little
worried about how Cocoa would be to the new ferrets, but all went well.
She doesn't play with them like she does Mittens, but she lets them play
with her :) The only time Cocoa has been "mean" to a ferret is when Mac
tried to take her beef flavored chew-eez, she actually growled!  We had
never heard her do that before!  Other ferrets bite her legs and paws and
she just lifts her leg and lets them drop off.  No growling or snapping
at ferrets!  She is the perfect dog/ferret!
We will be at the ferret show in Mechanicsville, VA, at the Showplace on
Mechanicsville Turnpike.  We are bringing Mittens, Trinity, Missy and Buck.
Scooter Elliott is just a bit too wild to go yet :)  (hes only 12 weeks
old!)  Last year was a blast!!  We wouldn't miss it for a million bucks!
OK, add me to the list of piercing! 5 in all  ( 4 in my ears and 1 I can't
say where :) and my first tattoo is coming! And if you saw me you wouldn't
think I had piercing or a tattoo! I'm a Mom of 3-2 legged kids and 10- 4
legged kids and I work in a state office.
If you would like to see our pictures of Cocoa and Mittens playing just
e-mail me  [log in to unmask]
Tracie and the "lump-in-the-rug-gang"
Mittens,Trinity,Buck,Missy,ScooterElliott, Mac,Misha,Wacky,and Shieka
[Posted in FML issue 3314]