Hi all
I had trouble with my service yesterday so I missed a day.
A little guy named Spawn came in today.  He waz met by Odin.  I introduced
them and they hit it off immediately.  He wanted to know all da news back
home and all da gossip.  They talk for some time.  Then they headed over
to da Fruit bar to eat it out of existance which will never happen but
they can try.  Then they headed off to see all da sights and attractions.
He said he had to be there for da Ferretone Flood so they kinda wondered
around until it waz time and then headed over there to lap up lots of
ferretone.  He ate himself into a good tummy ache if he could get a tummy
ache.  He had to retire to da Hammock Haven to sleep it off.  He said to
send hiz luv and lots of hugs and kisses to hiz mommy and daddy.
I looked up Janice, Puffo, and Prospero in da puter thingy.  I found them
over at da Ferretvite Festival dancing up a storm.  I said hi for you and
passed on your message.  They said they were doing real good and da
ferretvite and treats taste real good here.  They said they could learn
to like this a lot.  So they are comfy til you get here.  They said to
pass on their luv and lots of kisses for their mommy.
I am off to grab a nap myself.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3314]