I have a male ferret, Dale, approximately 4 years old.  I have had him for
the past 14 months.  When I got him he had been diagnosed with heart worm.
Some time before this heart worm diagnosis he had very compromised use of
his rear legs.  It was felt that an embolism from the heart worm had caused
this problem with his legs.
He was taking 0.1 cc's of pred a day to lessen the risk of further damage
from any heart worm that might break up.  Since I have had him the pred has
been reduced to 0.1 every other day..  He also is taking Ivermectin liquid
once a month to prevent further heart worm infection and to help kill off
any heart worm .  The use of his rear legs never changed.
On Jan 1 he experienced what appears to be a UTI and bladder infection
and had to have a cath. installed to clear his bladder.  It was removed
immediately after his bladder was empty and he spent the night in hospital
to receive sub Q fluids.  He first was urinating blood and after he was
put on amoxi drops he blocked.
At the time of the blocked bladder an X ray was taken and showed one
calcified heart worm still in his heart.  His lungs were clear in the
X ray.
Before his Amoxi drops were finished he began retaining fluids in his rear
legs and abdomen.  (Before this fluid retention he zipped around the house
and in and out of the tubes with the best of the crew.)
He is now taking Lasix 1% solution .25 ml twice a day and Digitalis 15
mg/ml .05 ml also twice a day.  The Digitalis was added last Saturday the
Lasix the previous week.  He is still retaining the fluid, although it
seems to be a bit less.  He is eating and drinking well but has great
difficulty getting around for more than a few minutes..
NOW after this long background my question..  Would it help to change him
from the Digitalis to Encard or another heart medication or to add another
to the Digitalis?  Do the doses sound correct or should they be modified?
Could this small amount of pred. be contributing to the fluid retention?
Thank you so much in advance,
[Posted in FML issue 3314]