Those of you that have heard my stories about General Kaos's incessant need
to kill Taylor since we adopted Taylor last June will have a good laugh
about this.  General Kaos weighs more than 6 lbs. now.  Had a good day
with both him and Taylor (2.5 lbs) out together today.  General Kaos went
after Taylor, meaning to grab him by the back of the neck and shake the
heck out of him so that we can listen to Taylor scream, poop, pee and bleed
in unison.  But, Kaos didn't know that mom had put eucalyptus oil on the
back of Taylors neck since Kaos is unaffected by bitter apple.
Kaos got close enough to Taylor and was ready to spring, then got a good
whiff of the eucalyptus oil.  He turned tail and ran!!!!  I stood there
laughing hysterically as he tried to get under the loveseat.  He's too big
to get under the loveseat.  Another laugh there.  He waited a few minutes
and decided to give Taylor another go.  Got another good whiff and turned
tail and ran again!!!!  This is my big bullyboy that only wimps out when I
take him to Carla's house<LOL>.  This went on for more than 2 hours.  I
figured by then that the smell had to have disipated <sp?> some and he
chased Taylor under the table that he's too big to get under, then played
guard duty for awhile until I put him back in his cage.
I think I may have found something finally that can bring peace between
Taylor and Kaos.
Oh, and I also would like to post for all the newbies that seem to think
that this list is only for sick ferrets.  All 5 of my ferrets are good
and healthy right now, and they range in age from almost 2 yrs to 7
yrs.  I, too, am guilty of posting when I had a sick ferret, because
this place here is a good place for information.  Most of us are not
vets, and will recommend that you take you ferret to a vet if ill.  But
the support on this list can be amazing at times.  Thank you.
Vicki L. Henderson-aka-Ferret Fanatic
Woody, Miss Tizzy, Ginger Snap, General Kaos & Taylor!
Tygger-The Great Anti-Ferret!
Sadly missing "Buzz" & "Jinx"-who will be in our hearts forever.
The Fearless FLO!
Ferret Holiday Hammocks:
Ferret Xmas Ornaments:
ICQ:  11898312
[Posted in FML issue 3313]