Thanks to all who responded to my post, both here and privately and to
Bill!  I really appreciate all the advice.  Nicodemus was not the least
bit fazed by his experience (I found out that the vets at the clinic
premedicate ferrets themselves with oral Benadryl, which was bubble
gum-flavored, to Nicodemus's delight).  The Benadryl didn't tire him even
a little (we humans would have been passed out!), and the shot itself
didn't bug him AT ALL-he just wanted to get down and play the entire time
we were there!
There was a HUGE 1 year old collie that was DYING to play with Nic and was
whining to get his attn., and after talking with her owners and finding
out she had several ferrets at home that she played with very gently, we
let them hang out (under still VERY careful supervision).  They were
funny-Nicodemus was too overstimulated to play for more than a few minutes
at a time before he needed to explore then next sight, which made the dog
lay down and cry till Nicodemus paid attention to her again-it was
Anyway, he had no reaction whatsoever to any part of his vaccination
"ordeal" (it was worse for us than him!) and had even the vets laughing
and playing with him (at least 2 vets and 3 employees gathered around) as
he went absolutely NUTS "swimming" in a big sandbox at the store-he was
tunneling as fast as his little legs could run with his face buried over
his eyeballs in the sand.  He was a RIOT!  (We decided he definitely needs
to have a home sandbox!) He was the most popular pet at the clinic!
Needless to say, though he stayed awake in the car for the whole trip home,
he slept well last night!
Thanks again, everyone!
-April, Shawn and Nicodemus
[Posted in FML issue 3313]