Hello everyone,
I posted a couple of months ago about green teeth on the rear, top molars
of my fuzzie girls - particularly Endora.  I went to see the ferret-expert
vet in Sydney (in a city of 4 million, there is ONE expert) and she said
that it'd cost around $400 (a week's wage to me) to have my fuzzies' teeth
cleaned (because of the anesthesia required).  Don't get me wrong, but for
teeth cleaning, rather than a full operation, that's more money than I want
to spend ...
Instead, she gave me some "teeth cleaning" food (the name of which escapes
me) and toothbrushes (which I've used with limited success).
My question is this: the green bits on their teeth are still there (about
1/8 inch square or 0.4mm2 for those of us in metric land)?  How much
should I worry about them?  Will they cause permanent problems?  (It
seems to be just a coating on their teeth).
Any input very welcome!
One more thing, in the interests of keeping my employer happy, and keeping
up with the rest of the world, I now have a separate email address for
personal stuff: [log in to unmask]
If you could write to me there rather than my other email address
([log in to unmask]) I'd appreciate it.
[Posted in FML issue 3312]