Hi all,
I'd like to thank all of you publicly that responded to my request for
advice on what to do with a ferret that wouldn't leave our little white
girl alone.
Most of you suggested putting Bitter Apple on her fur (of course after the
open cuts were closed).
I couldn't find Bitter Apple as such...but found something called Bitter
End for indoor use.  It seems to be a natural product (although I don't
know what 'dragon's blood' is!) using Tansy, cayenne, and other herbs.
By the afternoon, Buck has pretty much settled down and has left her alone
so the test will be this morning as he sees her again after a night in
different cages.
I do know it solved the problem of the dog going after my Birkenstocks!!!!
He liked the cork bed.  He also liked the lamb's wool slippers....no more!
The dog is completely separated from the ferrets except for a plexiglass
shield.  He seems to like them because they don't run from him and even
tries to lick them.  He's a Jack Russell so I'd never take the chance.
Thanks again,
Dooks and Kisses to all sick and abused fuzzies.
Moe and the the Quaker Hill 8
[Posted in FML issue 3312]