Interesting bit of trivia...How many ferret owners have tattoos?  I am a
new member to the list, but I found the Question interesting.  I have 6
tattoos.  All of them were done while in the Marine Corps, and none of them
are ferrets.  I have been trying to convince my wife to let me get a ferret
tattoo, but she has been....well...shall we say...unwilling to let me do
But as I recall all of the people that I have met that own ferrets, it
seems that many of them have tats.  Is this a cultural statement, or have
I just met a lot of anomalies.  I too, would be interested to hear all of
the members out there that have tattoos.
Dooks and war-dances to all,
Mike, Mary, Natalie, Gidget, and Geoffrey, (and the cats Garth and Molly)
[Posted in FML issue 3312]