Dooks & Blessings to all the sick & angeled fuzzies.
Well, I had a run-in not too long ago with the manager of a locally owned
pet store.  They are keeping 5(or more) kits at a time in a 15 gallon
aquarium.  I simply asked the manager if he would mind putting them in a
guinea pig cage, since this was not the ideal setting for these babies.
This jerk responds that yes, he knows it's not good for them, but it's
SAFER when they are young.  (Apparently he has the idea that lung problems
and urine burns--haven't seen any YET--are less serious than getting a toe
caught in the cage.)  They have sawdust like bedding in there, no litter
box, and the food just looks yucky.  I also pointed out that the wood
couldn't be good for them (it's not cedar, but something similar).  I asked
if they carried wood pellet litter--for my babies--he said no, and pointed
out that that was just as bad for them.  Have any of you ever come close to
punching someone like this?  Only thing that saved him was the murderous
look I got from my hubby from across the store.
My day yesterday was quite full.  Spent 3 hours driving around to the local
vets and letting them know that I will be (keeping fingers firmly crossed)
starting up a shelter here soon.  I unfortunately learned that most people
who bring their fuzzies in don't even know that they are supposed to be
vaccinated.  I am going to be doing something about that here today.
(This might mean that the manager mentioned above winds up with a broken
nose <g>)  The local papers (in the last 3 months) have run 3 ads for a
total of 5 ferrets free, cage and all.  I won't speculate as to what
happened to these babies, I'm afraid to.  Today, I finish up the rounds
at the vets and then hit the 2 remaining pet stores and the papers.
Everyone give your fuzzies an extra hug, for you never know what tomorrow
will bring.
Tammy & the Crew
War Dance Haven
Trying to explain ferret math to a non-ferret owner is like trying to
explain physics to a 3 year old.
[Posted in FML issue 3311]