There is some sort of virus going around now that apparently humans and
ferrets can get here in NJ.  It doesn't act like influenza but causes in
human first a bad headache and sinus ache then strong nausea and swelling,
fever with strong chills on and off, swollen throat, sneezing and some
coughing.  So far, first day was the most uncomfy and improving now so it
may move out soon.  Two of our 7 ferrets acting like they have it, too,so
far, but they seem to possibly get past the worst faster.  Think maybe
someone at the vet hospital was sick and shedding without knowing it yet
since we three all did it at same time.  If you get something like this
give your ferrets wide berth or use precautions.
Written while fevering and cleaned up spelling afterward but didn't
re-write so hope you understand well enough.
[Posted in FML issue 3286]