To the poster that was upset about the FML lately, asking that we don't
lose site to what the FML is:
Actually the FML is a list for people who like (love, obsessed with,
addicted to) ferrets and ferret related business.  It isn't about any
particular topic.  It isn't just about information on ferrets health.
There are other lists that might deal with certain health issues only.
It is a list about people too.  So, sometimes the FML gets catty and
soap-opera like.  The recent posts about KiSta may have given you the wrong
impression- but you have to understand Kim is well loved here, and people
were mostly coming to her defense.  I would say it was actually nice that
there wasn't any great debate- most everyone was looking out for Kim.
There are a few others who post and stir up more controversy, and a little
fighting goes on.  For the most part the FML is a successful list because
there is a little something for everyone.  If you are not interested in
the personal stuff- I would scan through to the medical posts, and posts
for help, etc.
BIG does a good job in posting like stuff together, and you can tell by
the subject lines before you read.  This saves a lot of time and you can
get a lot of great info, and helpful tips, etc.
Give it a little more time, you'll find a "home" here on the FML.
[Posted in FML issue 3309]