Hi Again!
I guess I may not have been too clear, heck , with my fuzzy mind it is
hard to write clearly or think for that matter.
Ok, what I was saying is, bashing shelters, the idiots who turn in ferrets
for no good reasons.  (I have one in my lap, 8 years old, and dying, his
owner didn't have time for him, I don't want him to die on me), and the
goof balls that want to adopt that should be sterilized so they don't have
kids.  (i.e., oh, yeah, I used to have a ferret, but I gave it away after
three months.  I want another one, or my dog likes to kill squirrels, so I
figured a ferret would be ok)
All that is enough to make a shelter operator want to quit, but I plan on
hanging in there.  (May not have many brain cells left, but you don't need
those to change litter boxes, or do water bottles)
If you want to make a change, volunteer.  If you think you see a problem,
talk to the operator, don't go around spreading rumors, or bashing.
Sometimes I think part of the problem is some people look at shelter
operators as some type of saint or angel.  None of us are, (Good Lord
knows when I get going I could make a sailor blush) we are human and we
do make mistakes, get in over our head, forget things, and do all those
stupid things a human does.
So don't bash, don't spread rumors, talk to us.  Ask questions, even if
it is a hard one to ask.
You know, sometimes, we can't see the forest for the trees, and we need a
little help.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3309]