Georgia congrats on the new groups.  I know that can get so time consuming,
and difficult (to have many groups).  I can just see wild Neugi with all
those girls!  Alas Khouri can't be too befudled with all this going on.
He managed to mail my ferrets some of his homebaked cookies.  And YES
Khouri Kan Kook!
Scott has taken to chewing up the cookies a little for Rocky and then Rocky
will take them from Scotts mouth.  That is the ONLY way Rocky will eat
them.  You see Rocky doesn't take to treats very well...but he loves this.
Beware if you pick up Rocky now...he'll try to lick your lips raw looking
for cookie!
Per request, My favorite game is now Ferret Fishing.  Yes you can Ferret
Fish too!  Get a good strong yard stick (mine is a square i"x1"), tie a
long string to the end, and then tie a knotted sock on the other end.  Sit
back in your favorite chair/couch... and cast away.  Now the question is
what technique catches more ferrets.
Carpet Shark Scott prefers to do a big mouth bass type of cast and lure
(making like the sock on the end is alive and teasing as he brings it back
to him).  Sean likes the deep sea approach: drop your line and dangle!  Me
I'm a fly fishin' kinda gal.  I've always wanted to try it, now I can do
it in the luxury of my own home every day!
Results have been as the following: Bass fishing approach catches chocolate
Laddies and pewter Pongs.  Deep sea fishing approach catchs laid back sable
Rockys.  Fly fishing seems to attract female DEW Jubiliees.  I have not
discovered how to catch the elusive blazed Pings.  They are too intelligent
for the luring we have tried.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3309]