My sincere condolences to all who've lost their babies lately.  My heart
goes out to you.
Wanted to let you all know about Socks' surgery this past Tuesday, the
Drs. Cawood and Kerley in Ft. Wayne, Indiana did cryo and laser surgery.
Dr. Cawood told me that Socks' right adrenal was the biggest one he'd ever
seen.  He tried the laser but couldn't get it-worried about being so close
to the blood flow.  So Dr. Kerley did the cryosurgery.  He had to hit the
tumor twice, first time one minute, second time a minute and a half.  But
now it's up to Socks to get rid of the tumor that the cryo has destroyed.
I inadvertently told some people (and Dr. Williams is one) that Socks had
white spots on his lungs, I think it's his liver.  But we aren't going to
worry about that right now.  His tumor is hopefully destroyed.  I did email
Dr. Williams privately, and will again ask here: when they opened Socks up
his spleen was 2-3 times larger than normal, but during surgery it went
back to it's normal size.  His lungs are still not up to par, so he's back
on Clavamox, and also pred for a few days.
Don't feel like anything silly tonight, but everybody watch out.  The
Crew's been at it, and I know Kouri, Carpet Shark, Wolfy and the rest are
just lurking, waiting.  I hope we all get past what I've read today, trying
to catch up.  It's something we were all working on getting off the list,
and keeping this into information and fun, not accusations, finger pointing
slamming, you name it.
I can say that at this moment Socks has stolen a line from the movie The
Replacements.  Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever.  And
then he smiles!
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and
 taste good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 3309]