Hello FML,
Welcome to a lot of new FML'rs...it's great to have you! :-)  With a lot
of new subscribers I wanted to point out one thing, which has been
mentioned before.
It seems when people come to the FML for advice on whether or not they
should get a fuzzy companion for their existing fuzzy or get "ferret math",
I just want to remind people of one thing.  Multiple ferrets multiple
expenses.  Not only are we talking additional food, vaccinations, toys,
treats, bedding, litter, etc., i'm talking medical expenses that some may
not realize.  When I first started learning about ferrets...I had no idea
some of the common problems they endure....adrenal problems, insulinoma,
ECE, lymphosarcoma, gastric ulcers, etc.
I have six fuzzies, two from pet stores, two from a shelter and two rescues
from an abusive situation.  Three of them have had major medical problems.
Roo (RooBear) just recently underwent left adrenal surgery which cost me
$430.00 for the surgery and another $120 for the trip to the vet 3 1/2
hours away (since no vet in my area does adrenal surgeries and I had to
stay two nights there).  Her hair has grown back beautifully and has gained
a lot of weight.  Just this week, i've noticed that her vulva is once again
swollen, which means possibly another trip to the vet for another surgery
and another $430.00.  My other fuzzy, Tango who has insulinoma is also now
showing signs of adrenal.  This will also be another $500 to make the trip
and have surgery for him also.
I just wanted to remind the FML that being owned by multiple fuzzies can
be very expensive.  Some people may never have health problems with their
fuzzies their whole lives, others will incur major medical expenses and
treatment.  Being owned by fuzzies is not cheap.  Unfortunately, for as
little as they are...they sure can get big medical problems that cost
dearly.  I have six fuzzies and three of them have had some sort of major
medical expense.  Of course, the older they get, the more problems they run
into.  And getting a young kit does not mean they will be free of health
problems...a couple of mine had problems as young as 6 months old.  I'm not
trying to discourage anyone by all means not to go out and get your fuzzy a
companion.  I believe that two are better than one, I just want people to
realize that they need to provide for their fuzzies and that means in
sickness and in health.  If you don't have the "means" or money to, then
you should wait.
Have a warm, *fuzzy* day!  :-)
Tracy J.
Tango, Chico, Roo(RooBear), Spunky & Leah
[Posted in FML issue 3308]