After all, this is the only place I always end up seeking for help.  I just
heard from my mother.  My father suffered from cerebral vascular problem
and has been unconsicous since last Thursday.  I am from abroad and must
fly back home with my 2 year old daughter.  My husband will stay with 2
ferrets, but must fly later to attend..... the funeral.  The ferrets are
mine and my husband is not really an expert, so I want to make sure there
is someone who can take care of them when my husband has to leave the US.
I will book a flight today and probably leave this weekend.
We live in south Brookline, near Putterham Circle and Chestnut Hill Mall.
If there is anyone out there, please contact me at [log in to unmask]
for more detailed information about my ferrets.  I don't have much time
left.  Please help.
[Posted in FML issue 3308]