I am pretty new to the FML and I really don't have a ton of time to sit
down and read the list between the ferrets and veterinary school.  I try
to do it because usually I learn something I can take with me for later.
Today's edition of the FML sort of appauled me.  I can't all this business
was aired here... Is this what the FML is about?  Because if it is, I won't
bother spending the time to read it!  Please reassure me that the FML isn't
so catty so often?  It just seems so he said she said this one that one.  I
thought when I suscribed to this that I'd be getting info on ferts, not in
the middle of a disagreement.  Please don't take this the wrong way, I just
see ethat someone posted that the people here have positive attitudes, but
this kind of behavior doesn't display that.  I just hope that in future
editions we don't lose sight of what FML is.
[Posted in FML issue 3307]