I read your post on the FML, and I feel so bad that someone is giving you
such a hard time! :-<  You mentioned possibly taking on all of the vet.
costs yourself, rather than accepting donations, to try to "resolve" this
Please don't!  From what I've seen, you have a TON of very loyal supporters
..  and apparently one, lone, disturbed detractor ... who is too cowardly
to show his/her face, and who hasn't presented any evidence to support
his/her claims at all, from what I've seen.
In addition, this person is a criminal, since he/she has apparently been
hacking into computers, and sending illegal "pings" via the Chubb computer
system.  (I hope the IT guys at Chubb are able to track down who this
person is using these pings, and bring some sort of legal action against
him or her ...)
I'm one of these people who sent you a donation (in the form of a purchase
through your auction), and I absolutely want you to have it, for the
fuzzies.  I'm sure all of the rest of us who donated to you do, too.  I
admire everything you do and have done for these fuzzies, Kim, from the
bottom of my heart!  :->
- Ela
   (000)___(000)        Ela Heyn
   /   @    @  \        [log in to unmask]
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[Posted in FML issue 3307]